Monday, August 28, 2006

Goodnight from Sydney

Tonight's photo: b/w version of a photo I posted a few months back.

Isn't it amazing how idiots tend to assume that everyone else is stupid enough to believe what they say.

Take restaurant owner Puneet Sablok, who angered people in Mumbai when he opened a restaurant named after Adolf Hitler. The restaurant called Hitler's Cross, also had swastikas on billboards and on the menu.

"I never wanted to create this controversy or hurt people with this name," he said. "I don't want to do business by hurting people."

Like hell you didn't. You sat down and thought, "Hey, what a whiz bang, blue sky idea to get free advertising. Later I will apologise, meet leaders of the Jewish community, and look like Mr Nice Guy."

Considering the almost non-existent diet endured by those held in concentration camps, opening a restaurant with such a name and such symbolism, I find particularly offensive

Let's hope the food has more taste than the owner - but hopefully, few people will ever find out.

Oh yes - I do have a sense of humour - but I also have a sense of history.

Wherever you may be - be safe!

Wondering why I imagine all the waiters to look like Basil Fawlty