Monday, August 14, 2006

International Development: Seniors knitting group helping sick children in developing countries

No doubt I will be reading and probably posting articles that reflect negatively on the state of the world in which we live. But before we go down that path, let's have a nice little heart-warmer.

I picked this up from the Penticton Western. Written by Holly Miyasaki, the article is entitled, "Seniors pulling some strings to help Third World infants."

The article describes how local seniors have knitted 62 vests for children sick with pneumonia in developing countries.

"The pneumonia vests are for infants or small children, the wool is soothing and warm," said Village By the Station recreation co-ordinator Susanne Lionello.

I know there a lot of knitters in the Blogosphere, so you may want to take a look at the article, which also incudes a photograph by the articles author.