Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Middle East Conflict: Anti-Defamation League blasts Chavez over "genocide" remark

The Israel Hasbara Committee reports that following remarks by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez comparing Israel to Nazi Germany and labelling the IDF's operations in Lebanon acts of 'genocide,' the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) said Chavez "needs a reality check."

IHC reporter Amihai Zippor, quotes ADL National Director, Abraham H. Foxman, "It is outrageous for him to suggest that Israel, the home of the Jewish people, is behaving like Nazis."

"Need we remind Mr. Chavez that the State of Israel, which arose out of the ashes of the Holocaust, once again is fighting to defend itself against an implacable enemy whose goal is the destruction of the Jewish State?" Foxman said.