Friday, September 15, 2006

Agriculture: Deadly snail threatens Solomon Islands crops

The Pacific Islands Development Program/East-West Center, reports that a deadly foreign crop killer is suspected to have spread around the Solomon Islands.

The Giant African Snail scientifically called the Achatina Fulica was found at the Earth Movers compound at Ranadi, Honiara, two weeks ago.

According to research scientists, the Giant African Snail is believed to be one of the most damaging land snails in the world.It is known to eat at least 500 different types of plants, including breadfruit, cassava, cocoa, papaya (pawpaw), peanut, rubber and most varieties of bean peas, cucumbers and melons.

A reliable source told Solomon Star that they have found the snail in huge numbers two weeks ago at the Earth Movers premises.The source said currently the Quarantine Department of the Ministry of Agriculture is fighting to destroy the pest.

The person suspected that many more could be spread to the provinces because of transportation of machinery between the company base in Honiara and their provincial points.