Friday, September 08, 2006

Australian politicians don khaki

Shortened blog for the next few days (explained here)

Just like Old Man River, the Steve Irwin Memorial Week Show, just keeps rolling along.

In response to an email campaign urging Australians to wear khaki in honour of a carefully manufactured and branded showman who was better known and more liked overseas than in his own country, politicians across Australia were advised by their handlers to run with the mob and don khaki.

State Premier Morris Iemma, Opposition Leader Peter Debnam and Federal Opposition Leader Kim Beazley, all stated they would wear khaki today in memory of the man who has spent much of the last two years or so, fending off a series of controversies.

How sweet.

But of course the idea of Australians wearing khaki today isn't new. Many had already planned to do just that.

The men and women serving in Iraq, Afghanistan and East Timor for example.

Men and women like the Australian soldier who was killed in Afghanistan.

The khaki wearing soldier whose widow was not invited to a wreath laying ceremony conducted by the winner of what was known as the 2001, "khaki election," Prime Minister John Howard, and his good friend George Bush, during the latter's visit to Canberra.

Not a khaki wearing politician, celebrity has-been or wannabee to be seen.

Wherever you may be - be safe!