Friday, September 15, 2006

Goodnight from Sydney

Tonight's photo: This was taken back in March and is part of a series I call, "Feeding Time"

There is a line in a Tom Wait's song that goes, "everything's broken and no one speaks English," and that's pretty much sums up how I feel today.

For a kick-off, my held-together-by-sticky-tape Canon camera has given up the ghost. First the cover to memory card slot went, followed by the LCD display, (which I could never see in daylight anyway). Now the memory card has gone wonky. Apart from that though, everything else is working!

The demise of the Canon follows close on the heels of my beloved hi-fi system. That old girl and I have been together 16 years. They don't make stereo's like that any more. First the tape deck packed up, then the turntable. Last week the CD player shuffled off its mortal coil. The radio still works but even with good headphones, you can still hear a buzzing sound coming from an unknown part of the set.

Then there are the casual shoes I bought a few weeks ago. Their descent into ruin started when the laces started increasing in length. Then the fluffy bits of the laces started coming away. After that, the decorative laces on the side came apart as though they were some sort of warm up act for the stitching on the toe separating from the rest of the shoe.

Then for a short time, Blogger was down.

While I am at, let's throw in "Psycho Mum" who after being totally convinced that August is the sixth month of the year, now believes her November birthday is 14/09/32. Off course she has no problem detailing anything I did wrong when I was ten.

I haven't even started on my bodily parts yet.

The sole of my foot is sore and so is the side. This morning I twisted my knee which at least diverted attention from the sore ribs. My dentures seem to have decided to change shape which means that when I bite into something - i tend to miss. The positive impact I make on my tongue creates a negative impact on my comfort level.

Of course I could go to the doctor but I know what will happen. He will usher me into his office, politely point to a chair which I can't see because my right eye is sore and blurred, and ask "How are you today Mr Hitchen?"
"I'm fine" I will reply and bang goes $48!

Wherever you may be - be safe!

I was going to do some blog surfing, but all people seem to do on blogs is complain:)