Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Goodnight from Sydney

Tonight's photo: Mountain Memories

This photo was taken in December 2004, in the Blue Mountains outside Sydney.

I am posting old photos because my dear old Canon has finally died. It is a great loss of a true Aussie Icon - a legend in it's lifetime. I know it will be sorely missed by all who knew it. But it died doing what it loved most and that's all any of us can ask.

A Memorial Service will be held for it as soon as I can negotiate overseas television rights, memorial mugs, T shirts and mouse mats. Goodbye old Canon (stumble over words - hold hand to mouth - cough - swallow - continue).

On a serious note, this picture does depict something and someone I miss very much. Do you see that arm on the bottom right corner? That's the arm of Mel, my American fiancee.

Although she is a little bit nearer now, (having moved from the mid-west to the left hand bit) the tyranny of distance and government departments, still keep us apart.

But still we can share memorable moments, such as the one yesterday. I have discovered hip-hop, but it seems that although I like the beat, I am a bit of a novice when it comes to interpreting the lyrics. In fact, her daughter has banned me from listening to any more until she can explain it all to me!

I guess I am less hip-hop and more hip-replacement.

Last night I listened to a radio program that took a look at European language hip-hop. I had no idea it was all so complex and culturally important. Hip-hop it seems is even used to teach those from non-English speaking backgrounds English, and is also taught in many schools here.

Jeez, I would have gladly dropped maths and physics to study 'A Level" James Taylor and Carole King!

Wherever you may be - be safe

I have just read all the above with a fresh eye and realised I sound exactly like the sort of bloke I used to complain about when I was 18!