Friday, September 22, 2006

Goodnight from Sydney

Tonight's photo: Taken through the bedroom window of a hotel Mel and I were staying at during our trip to the Blue Mountains, outside Sydney

Over the last few weeks, we here in the Land Down Under have been subjected almost non-stop to the phrase, "Aussie Icon". Forget about the fact that one dumped his long term partner and another put his kids life at risk; being of good character is not necessary to be an Aussie Icon. That's why we revere bushranger Ned Kelly and sing sentimental songs about suicidal sheep stealers.
So I started thinking about "American Icons". Who would cause me to stand up and say, "He/She was a great American Icon". The first name that springs to mind would be John Wayne and also Babe Ruth.

Frank Sinatra would be another and Marilyn Monroe, (throw in her hubby as well for good measure) would go to bat for the girls.

I was considering Geronimo as well, but based on Australian parameters, giving indigenous people any recognition goes against the grain.

What's that I hear you say? "You haven't chosen anyone who has done anything historically, politically or scientifically important".

Crikey mate - I'm Australian. We don't bestow Iconship on anyone who has done anything important! Icons are for real people - not bloody intellectuals!

Wherever you may be - be safe!