Friday, September 01, 2006

Religion: Protestants and southerners support the view that God gave Israel to the Jews

The Christian Post reports that according to a survey released by The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, a national poll of over 2,000 Americans found that the majority of white evangelical Protestants and those in the South, support the belief that the state of Israel was given to the Jewish people by God.

Sixty nine per cent of white evangelical Protestants support the belief that God gave Israel to the Jewish people, and 59 percent subscribe to the belief that Israel is the fulfilment of biblical prophecy.

The views were also well accepted among black protestants with 60 percent believing Israel was given to the Jews by God and 56 percent believing Israel fulfils the prophecy of the second coming. Catholics and white mainline Protestants, ranked in the low twenties for both views.