Friday, October 27, 2006

CIA panel of experts concluded in 1997 that North Korea was likely to collapse within five years

Released by the National Security Archive - October 26, 2006 North Korea's Collapse? The End Is Near - May Be

A CIA panel of experts concluded in 1997 that North Korea was likely to collapse within five years, according to declassified documents posted today on the Web by the National Security Archive.

This "Endgame" exercise of former U.S. policymakers, intelligence officers and outsider experts warned that the North Korean regime could not remain "viable for the long term," with the majority doubting the "current, deteriorating status could persist beyond five years."

Citing the "steady, seemingly irreversible economic degradation in the North," the panel concluded that "the current situation in North Korea appears beyond corrective actions that do not fundamentally threaten the regime's viability."

The documents were posted today on the Web site of the National Security Archive: