Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Goodnight from Sydney

Tonight's photo: Another stab at "artistic" photography taken during my "Kitchen Sink" period:)

I was in my local pharmacy today discussing foot products with two of the sales staff, (I actually wanted something else but all the assistants were female!) when in walked a father with two little girls aged about six and seven.

He was one of those academic looking types - the sort who wear little grey beards and self-righteous smiles in an unsuccessful attempt to give the perception that there is actually grey matter between their ears and not a, "This Space is Vacant Sign". The sort who would just love to have, "I am environmentally friendly" tattooed on his forehead for all to see.

The girls wore pink ballet dresses, which any overseas visitor to my suburb would soon come to believe was compulsory attire here. As soon as the kids entered the shop they started running around picking up anything that happened to catch their eye. If they saw something, nothing would stop them trying to reach it - and that included pushing and brushing past me at least three times.

Just as I was wondering why the father didn't say anything to the little fuc...darlings, he decided to assert his authority. In a loud voice he suggested -

"I propose we initiate a system whereby we try to minimise the amount of items we touch."


One of the sales girls looked at me and quietly said, "I'd initiate a kick up their bums," which while perhaps not politically correct, seemed a lot more sensible and tempting than his proposal.

Having firmly established in everyone's minds that he was a pompous little prick, he then initiated a system whereby he let everyone within hearing distance know he was also a global traveller.

As the cashier rang up the items he had purchased, he informed her that he had just been, "Stateside" and only had U.S. currency. "Do you accept American dollars?" he asked.

It came as no surprise to me that he obviously considered that the failure of a small local shop to accept payment in U.S dollars from a local resident, was somehow the fault of the assistant and not his own stupidity.

I never did get what I needed in the pharmacy - but hopefully Mastermind will one day get what he needs.

Wherever you may be - be safe!