Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Goodnight from Sydney

Tonight's photo: Gee, this is going back a bit. This was taken just after I bought my first camera and (1) I wasn't sure how to use it (2) had two dense cataracts so I couldn't see what I was aiming at anyway! On top of that, I kept sharpening the photo because as far as I was concerned, my eyes were telling me it was blurred!

I will keep it short tonight as I am bloody furious. Personal and professional confidentiality is something I not only take very seriously, but one I take great pains to ensure.

So when someone from a government related agency tells me that I have to provide confidential information relating to a third party, I see red. They may be unfamiliar with privacy guidelines and legislation - I am not.

I got the result I wanted - I normally do - but that is not the point. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the sort of information they required was unethical for me to provide. In addition, I could not obtain that information form the party themselves. I would have needed to get confirmation with a fourth party - who themselves are tied by confidentiality legislation!

Half a day wasted just because someone didn't think things through!

Wherever you may be - be safe!