Monday, October 23, 2006

Goodnight from Sydney

Tonight's Photo: This lovely little park has became a night-time haven for drunken teenagers. Although it is almost directly opposite the police station, and every resident knows what goes on at night, very little is done. At the end of the path is a kindergarten. Perhaps the walk through the park is some sort of "welcome to the real world kids."

Blogging today has been like pulling hen's teeth. As soon as my ISP problems had been resolved, Blogger decides to start playing silly buggers.

I could embark on a state-of-the-art, deluxe version rant but as no one apart from two or three close would friends would actually give a tinkers, I will desist from doing so. As soon as I read, "I had a lousy day today..." on a blog, I think to myself, "Mate - no one gives a fuck about your day." I then move on to the next blog where the author tells me they are, "so busy I have no idea how I can fit everything in LOL," (there always has to be a 'LOL' at the end of such statements - it is a compulsory requirement).

On those occasions, the phrase "get of your arse, stop blogging and start doing" springs to mind. Of course that is the obvious answer and the obvious is never the preferred option for those who get their rocks off basking in the comfort of inadequacy.

Yes - I realise I don't normally swear on this blog but you see, I want to be considered a "real blogger." It has become obvious that in order to be considered a "real blogger" it is necessary to find as many opportunities as you can to use the word "fuck" or its numerous variations. Toss in a few "mother-fuckers" and the odd "bitch" then you are well on your way to credibility.

However, I do realise that to such bloggers, the ability to remember words with four letters marked the highlight of their education - surpassing even the time in their lives when they spent four years in college to come out believing that Sydney is somewhere in Nebraska.

Till tomorrow...
...wherever you may fucking be - be fucking safe