Thursday, October 26, 2006

Goodnight from Sydney

Tonight's Photo: I call this, "Bob The Builder" after former NSW Premier, Bob Carr. For some reason I prefer this in B/W

Regular readers will know of my regular meetings with a government agency - an agency whose catalogue of incompetency has been detailed on this blog. Well, things have changed. I'm not quite sure if I pissed everyone off, but when I turned up today all the old staff had vanished. I am not sure where they went to but I would have welcomed the opportunity of telling them where they could go.

I must admit I did miss putting Wonder Boy through the ringer, but it made a nice change to sit down and talk to someone who used common and sense and experience instead of a dictionary of flavour-of-the-month buzzwords.

And yes - I was hard pressed for something to write about tonight!

Wherever you may be - be safe!