Thursday, October 26, 2006

North Korea Nuclear Test: Nuke test increases sales of condoms in South Korea

Regnum reports that sales of condoms In South Korea, have rapidly increased and brothels are crowded after the North Korean nuclear test held on October 9.

"As RSN reports, it is a common belief that South Koreans have got used to the constant threat posed by the northern neighbor. However, reports on the underground nuke test caused a collective stress by the nation, which Koreans treat by sex.

According to a major retail sells network, the number of condoms sold soared by a third. An online service of booking “love motels,” which is quite popular in the country, has registered a substantial increase in calls.

South Korea is one of the most populated countries. As a rule several generations of a family huddle together in a house or an apartment, and brothels are generally recognized places for settling personal problems."

Source: Regnum