Monday, November 06, 2006

Goodnight from Sydney

Tonight's photo: A street fair in the nearby suburb of Chatswood - taken with the battered old camera.

It's nice to have the blog back in action and I would like to express my thanks to the, "i On Global Trends Fan Club" who are tonight holding a celebration party to mark it's return. I hope you both have a great time!

Maybe I am getting more cynical or perhaps the break from blogging has made me even more attuned to something I have noticed for quite some time. I read a lot of "eye witness" accounts - stories by people who have been adversely affected by natural or man made disasters, or environmental or social conditions. Invariably these accounts are given by those who are poor and uneducated. People who despite their lack of education can somehow express themselves often far better than the average "man-in-the-street."

Take this example from an earlier post. A 13 year old boy from what is considered to be the lowest social caste in Yemen, complaining about the lack of educational opportunities.

"So far, the school administration has not given me any textbooks. Even our education is marginalised."

Marginalised? Not bad for a 13 year old uneducated social outcast in Yemen. The average Sydney talk back radio listener would think "marginalise" was some sort of fancy spread to put on their sliced bread.

Of course there are several possible reasons why people who have had little or no education and limited exposure to media or the world beyond their own environment, can somehow express themselves more effectively than a guest on the Michael Parkinson Show. Those possible explanations all have one thing in common -

If true - they all suck!

Wherever you may be - be safe!