Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Goodnight from Sydney

Tonight's photo: Hopefully the last recycled phot before the new camera arrives tomorrow.

Australian Prime Minister John Howard, has said he would be happy to meet Bono, who is currently touring Australia.

Bono says he wants to talk to Howard about boosting Australia's aid to poor countries.

Mr Howard said while there had been no approach to his office for a meeting, he would be happy to accommodate him.

However, when told that he is playing in Sydney on Saturday night, Howard seemed a little out of touch. "He'll be in Sydney on Saturday night? At Telstra Stadium? Is he a follower of which code of football?"

It comes to something when our Prime Minister is so out of touch with reality that he doesn't know who Bono is. Even I know he was the other half of Sonny and Cher!

Wherever you may be - be safe!