Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Goodnight from Sydney

Tonight's photo: It's been about 8 months since this last appeared - when the new camera arrives, it wont appear again!

If I was Forrest Gump, I would say, "My Ma always said that if you have nothing to say - don't say anything," and finish this post right here - because I can't think of bugger all to say.

Having said that, I wonder just who the hell would actually go through life taking heed of what their Ma had said.

Would anyone in their right mind take notice of a woman who yells out, "If you fall down and break your legs, don't come running to me!"? How can you have any credibility in Ma, when it is obvious she firmly believes that if you frown your face will freeze into position.

Another thing - I ate all my greens and at 50 years of age, I still don't have hairs on my chest. Hell - I don't even have any on my head! And to be quite honest, how many eight year olds really want to strip for PE and be the only boy looking like a left over extra from Gorillas In The Mist? The hapless lad would be the object of so much teasing he would need to join a support group - and what would Ma say then huh?

Of course I could always be different and say, "My Pa always said" but the poor bugger never had a chance to get a word in.

Wherever you may be - be safe
That's what I always say!