The first published photo with the new camera. I am not sure of the settings as I am still playing around with it and have adopted a, "point - alter this and that - and when it looks right, click" strategy.
I do know it was taken without a flash, and that's about as technical as I am able to get at the moment.
The bear in the picture is, "Luverley," (yes, that is how I spell it) and was sent to me by Mel to keep me company while we are apart. Bart Simpson was given to me by somebody who thought there were similarities between me and him - though I prefer to see myself as Mr Burns, (I always liked the banker in "Wonderful Life" too!).
Sadly. Luverley is under 18, so if anything transpires between the two, she can not get her Baby Bonus in a lump sum. She will have to wait a bit longer until she fits the, "Seventh Heaven" 1950s family values criteria so beloved by Prime Minister John Howard and his hypocritical colleagues, (who have a habit of doing exactly the same things that they try to legislate against anyone else doing).
The next thing you know, he we will be paying for chaplains in any school that wants one.
Oh - sorry - he has already done that!
Actually, most schools would rather have books and air-conditioning than government approved bible-bashers.
I like John Howard, but I am getting weary of Howard pushing his own personal agenda and 1950s morality on everyone else. If he wants to do that, there are plenty of other places he can live - he can ask his old mate George to put him up for a few nights. Poor old George is feeling a bit unloved at the moment and would be glad to see someone who actually likes him.
Wherever you may be - be safe!