Friday, November 17, 2006

Goodnight from Sydney

Tonight's photo: Artarmon street scene

Although this is essentially an Australian focused story, it does contain content that is very definitely American!

Last weekend, Belinda Emmett, a much loved Australian actress passed away at the age of 32, after an heroic 8 year battle with cancer. Belinda was the wife and soulmate of Australian TV host, Rove McManus.

Today, the day of her funeral, Australian Opposition Leader Kim Beazley, opened a press conference by expressing his sympathy. Summoning up all his artificial sincerity, he told reporters -

"The first thing I want to say is this - today, our thoughts and the thoughts of many, many Australians will be with Karl Rove as he goes through the very sad process of burying his beloved wife."

Nice one Kim.

Some may say I am being harsh on the man, but this is just the latest in a series of recent gaffes in which he has used incorrect names. Earlier this year, he even managed to confuse the then Reserve Bank governor Ian Macfarlane, with the resources minister of the same name.

If, God forbid, he should win the next election, then I can't wait to see him at a conference of Asian and Eastern European leaders.

Tomorrow and Sunday, I am going to try out the new camera, so the blog may be condensed - or even non-existent - until Monday!

Wherever you may be - be safe