Those of you who have been following the blog will know that I recently acquired a new camera - a Canon S3IS.
I have been dying to try it out but it wasn't until Sunday that I finally managed to get around to doing so.
Dressed in a New York Mets cap, (courtesy of Jenny) and a St Louis Cardinal polo shirt, (courtesy of Mel) camera bag slung over my shoulder, I could swear that shopkeepers put their prices up as soon as they saw me coming!
I developed an efficient little routine and after each shot I would meticulously switch off the camera, put on the lens cover and put the camera back in the bag. All went well until about half way through the day. I took a photo, moved two steps forward - and went flying - and so did the camera, landing with a sickening thud. Two people rushed to help me - including a very nice girl in bicycle shorts - but neither of them rushed to the camera.
Luckily my body seems to have taken more of a hammering than the camera and from what I can see, only the flash casing is slightly scratched. I took quite a few photos after the fall, and all seems to be well. I think!
I love Sydney Harbour Bridge - I love the power and the energy and I like to think that when crossing the bridge, I can see more than the casual observer. A masterpiece of engineering from the days when you could get something done in Sydney without it being criticised by a failed football coach and a second rate footballer caller, eagerly pandering to the shock, horror lust of their non-achieving audience of listeners.
I took quite a few shots of the bridge - many from angles those overseas would not have seen before. However - I promise to spread them out over a few weeks!
Wherever you may be - be safe!