Friday, November 24, 2006

Goodnight from Sydney

Tonight's photo: I took this photo of Christmas decorations in Sydney's Central Business District (CBD) last Sunday. No - I don't know what the Goddess, has to do with Christmas!

I have been doing a bit of time shifting to enable me to go for a late afternoon/early evening walk - that's why so many posts have appeared early in the day recently.

It has been a welcome break from sitting at the PC, up to 14-15 hours a day. As the majority of my work is online and clients cover several time-zones, time shifting is not always easy.

But I decided to make it easy - at least for now!

Although I have lived here for 14 years I have been walking to a whole new world. Within 15 minutes walking distance is the beginning of a world of calmness and serenity. A world of silence broken only by the animated conversations of the birds, the gentle lapping of the Lane Cove river against its banks and the mysterious sounds of rustling and scampering in the undergrowth.

Sure, I have visited these places before - but not for years. In fact part of today's walk was completely new to me, and the other part I haven't undertaken for 12 years or more.

It was so unfamiliar that when I came out of "the bush," I was lost and had to ask directions! It turned out I was about 8 minutes walk from my home.

I have taken some photos and although I haven't downloaded them yet, I am not altogether optimistic about the outcome. To be honest, the mixture of starkly different light was a bugger to try and cope with! At times, the track was a little precarious to say the least and I was more concerned with keeping my balance!

However, I thought some of you may like the warning sign.

Wherever you may be - be safe.