Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Goodnight from Sydney

Tonight's photo: It's actually Sydney Harbour Bridge, but I call this one, "Fortress Sydney"

O.K. I think it is time for a little rant.

Perhaps "rant" is too strong a word and after all I am a patient and easy going sort of guy who sees the good in everyone.

That philosophy even extends to the thoughtless, inconsiderate, self-centred little bastards, whose belief that their interests take priority over every one else's, make life difficult for those who do the right thing.

I have started going for late-afternoon walks and to get to most of the places I head for, I use public footpaths. You would be amazed, (then again, maybe you wouldn't) at the number of private properties that display those self-righteous and entirely ineffective signs warning, "Private property - keep out." As though a sign would be deter a would-be burglar or home invader!

I don't have a problem with that - what I do have a problem with is the number of such householders who see no problem in parking their cars or 4 WDs on the public footpath - forcing pedestrians to step onto often busy roads in order to get past.

Keep your cars on your own private property - not the public's!

Wherever you may be - be safe!