From January 1, mothers under 18 will receive 13 separate payments of the $4,100 baby bonus rather than a lump sum. It will then rise to $5,000 in July 2008. Mr Brough said the changes would ensure money was not spent irresponsibly and that it went to the person raising the child as each young mother would be assigned a social worker. He said most people have the maturity to make wise decisions on how the baby bonus was spent, but some were just too young.
Prime Minister John Howard, denied the scheme is singling out teenage mothers as being untrustworthy. "I don't think it's offensive, I think it's reality and common sense and most of Australia would understand exactly why we're doing it".
Oh yes Happy John - we know exactly why you are doing it.
Perhaps you would be interested in the comments posted to a natural parenting forum - by mothers over the age of 18. The forum poses the question, "Baby bonus - what are you going to do with it?"
"tossing up whether to get a new fridge, nothing flash though"
"mine went on repaying debts... didnt even get a new pair of undies"
"We are buying (forgot we even got it for a while there LOL)- a king base for our king mattress, - and finally going to QLD for a holiday in Nov ....the rest will be for our NZ trip in Feb"
"Ours is already spent- on our lush king bed that arrived a few weeks ago now. But it is worth the c/card interest"