Friday, November 17, 2006

Women's Rights: U.S defends the rights of Muslims all over the world

Ambassador–at-large of the Office of International Religious Freedom at the U.S. State Department, has said that the United States supported women's right to wear the headscarf in Turkey.

Emphasizing that his office defended the rights of Muslims all over the world he said his office protested various government measures restricting religious freedoms in Burma, India, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, China, France, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Uzbekistan.
"Free from our relations with different countries of the world and by respecting Islamic traditions and interpretations that an administration adopts, we are working hard to protect the religious freedoms of the Muslims" adding "The limits put on the path of peaceful worship are unacceptable, and those limits pave the way for the rise of radicalism and violence in the world."
Meanwhile back in Iraq....