Friday, December 01, 2006

Goodnight from Sydney

Tonight's photo: One of the delights of going for my late afternoon walk. Taken this afternoon.

Has anyone else noticed how friendly people are when you are armed with a camera?

Whenever I go for my late afternoon walks I always take my camera with me, not only because I enjoy taking photographs - but also I find I tend to notice things more. I have seen things that I know for certain I would have missed under different circumstances.

Each time I go out, I find that I have unwittingly caused someone to stop while I take a photo - or they think I am taking a photo.

For example, on Sunday I was taking a photo of a magpie, and there was no one in my line of vision either to the left or to the right. It wasn't until I had taken the shot that I became aware of a girl standing behind me! - waiting for me to take the photo. I apologised, (even though I was not aware of her presence) and she explained that she didn't want to disturb the magpie and ruin the photo.

Yesterday I was sitting on a bench by a beautiful bay, looking at the menu options in the electronic viewfinder. I wasn't actually taking any photographs, but a lovely elderly gentleman still waited until I put the camera down before he passed in front of me. Again I apologised and a nice little conversation followed.

These are only two of many examples I have come across, and when things like that happen, I tend to realise that mankind isn't quite so bad after all.

Dogs seem to like me too lately. I used to be scared of dogs but now I am used to them bounding breathlessly towards me to lick my hand or jump on my leg. If they do it towards the end of my walk though - even a Chihuahua would be likely to knock me over!

Wherever you may be - be safe