Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Goodnight from Sydney

Tonight's Photo. This was one of the first photos I took with the new camera. It is the southern side, (city end) of the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

Gee, I am getting lazy in my old age.

For some time I have been considering starting a couple of new blogs - a photoblog and a more personal blog.

I get excited about the projects until I sit down and think of fiddling around with templates, submitting them to blog communities and all the promotion and upkeep involved, and the enthusiasm vanishes faster than a man hearing the word "marriage".

It's the same with new gadgets. I used to love new gadgets and "toys" but now I can't be bothered setting everything up or even reading instruction booklets.

I have a mobile phone with lots and bells and whistles - and all it does is make and receive calls. Ask me to send a text message and it would be quicker for me to pop round and tell you personally. By the time I take my reading glasses on and off, and work out how to write the damn thing anyway, I have either forgotten what it is I wanted to say, or decided it's not really that important after all.

Of course I put a positive spin on it. I tell myself, "Mike old son, you managed to communicate long before text messages were even thought of. You managed when a blackberry was a flavour. If you wanted to make a voice call, you picked up a phone - and didn't need to press God knows how many buttons to find the number you wanted - you flicked your telephone book open.

I have yet to pinpoint the exact point at which I turned from an "angry young man" into a "grumpy old git" but it has definitely happened.

I preferred "angry young man" it had a more artistic ring to it somehow.

Wherever you may be - be safe