Forget about the Christmas trees in New York and London - take a look at Sydney's and step back in awe at the grandeur and size of it. Hell - it's almost bigger than the Goddess banner that somehow managed to work its way into Christmas.
But wait - there's more.
I have it on good authority that Sydney's official Father Christmas...sorry, I mean Person Christmas, is going to be a pregnant, one armed, Muslim, Aborigine, lesbian environmentalist, with a Jewish mother who came here from Italy and still can't speak English, (but that's OK because in Australia only Muslims are expected to speak English, everyone else can speak whatever language they want), an agnostic father and a brother who is a Roman Catholic priest that no one talks about except in whispers.
Just to be on the safe side, Person Christmas - or Santa Claus if you prefer, will only deliver presents to children over the age of 18 and in the presence of a parent or guardian.
The presents will all be biodegradable and made in Australia. Of course, the increased cost of having them made here instead of overseas, means that 50 per cent fewer present will be available for delivery. But look on the good side - as they will stop working or fall apart by Easter, they can be replaced next Christmas/Yuletide/holiday/festive season.
I am taking the weekend off, so the next post will be on Monday (Sydney time) so till then...
Wherever you may be - be safe