Thursday, December 14, 2006

Goodnight from Sydney

Tonight's photo: I call this "Who do you think you are looking at mate?" I cropped the photo because the kookaburra was sitting on a graffiti strewn metal box next to a gent's public toilet. With hindsight, taking photographs of a gent's public toilet, wasn't my best idea!

Mums' just don't get it do they.

The simple fact of the matter is - boys do not like shopping - especially Christmas shopping. It's a girl thang.

Twelve/thirteen year old boys have far better things to do than trudge around with mum looking for presents for Aunt Mavis and Uncle Tommy, who they probably can't stand anyway.

They want to fill their pockets with things that have long ceased to be functional or edible. They want to have a quick ciggie behind the bicycle sheds while planning exploratory trips into Gladys Henshaw's knickers. They want to kick or hit balls - especially if they don't like the boy who sits next to them in class.

Christmas shopping is not part of their agenda.

Yet everyday I see some poor, hapless lad shuffling grudgingly up the street with his school shirt hanging out, about three steps behind his mother who is marching forward with her best, "we are going to do this - so get used to it or else," walk. Some of the mums even use the same walk with their husbands!

I look at them and think to myself, doesn't she realise he doesn't want to be part of the purchasing process - he just wants to eat the ruddy things.

If mothers intend taking kids Christmas shopping, they should plan ahead. Make sure they give birth to at least one daughter. More would be better, especially if you space them out a bit. That way you have a renewable source of helpers.

I am off now - my mother has asked me to go shopping for her.

Wherever you may be - be safe