Friday, December 01, 2006

Human Rights: Thousands of Burmese civilians forced to flee from army attacks are trekking through free-fire zones in search of safety and food aid

Human Rights Watch reports thousands of Burmese civilians forced to flee from army attacks in Karen state are trekking through free-fire zones in search of safety and food aid,

More than 200 civilians have reached camps near the Thai border, but another 3,000 are still on the move, according to credible recent reports received by Human Rights Watch.

"The Burmese military attacks villages, uses civilians for forced labor and steals their food and money, forcing people to flee," said Brad Adams, Asia director at Human Rights Watch. "But the military campaign also prevents villagers from eking out even the meanest existence. The military acts like an occupying army, using the population as expendable pawns."

Full News Release