Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The Jolly Green Midget pretending to be a Christmas tree

Photo: The Jolly Green Midget pretending to be a Christmas tree

For the rest of the week, i On Global Trends will be a free-form Christmas Edition.

This is the Christmas tree erected by my local suburb, "Lame Cove". This year the council is promoting "Integral Energy" a local energy company.

Apparently it is a living tree and will continue to grow while it is on display. After that the tree will be returned to the Christmas Tree Farm form where it was originally selected. Aaaw, how sweet, it can be with its little friends again. As far as I am concerned it can bloody well stay there until it grows into a proper Christmas tree.

Jenny and Mel - if you are reading this blog, it may look the same photo I sent you last year, and the year before, and the year before that - but it is up to date!

You would think if the tree is a marketing tool for a major energy company, they could at least put up something decent with some new decorations. After all, it is the only bloody Christmas decoration you will find in the over-priced shopping centre - apart from an inflatable Santa Claus tied to the awning of a shop - as it has for at least five years.

It was quite a task taking this photo as people here tend to be very considerate of anyone taking photos. As soon as you aim a camera at something, people will stop and wait.

I like to fiddle around with settings so I had to keep putting the camera down and telling people it was OK for them to pass. In the end it became embarrassing, so when the coast was clear, I jumped in and just aimed and clicked:)