Have I missed something? Is today "National Inconsiderate Bastards Day"? There must be some reason why people have been falling over themselves to piss me off today.
It began with my late afternoon walk on a beautiful, sunny Sydney afternoon. I sat down on a bench at the edge of a bay to lap up the feeling of peace and tranquillity. The photo was taken from that bench, so you get a fair idea of what I am talking about. The vast area was completely empty apart from one jogger heading towards me.
As I watched him approach, I naturally assumed he was going to jog right past me - perhaps with a wave or a smile. On no - that would be expecting too much.
The idiotic bastard stopped, stood behind the bench I was sitting on, and started doing push-ups against the bench. He didn't even use the other end of the bench - he was right next to me puffing and panting in my right ear.
I put up with this for a few minutes then turned and calmly asked, "apart from being an inconsiderate little mong, is there any particular reason you chose to annoy me?" The guy actually looked puzzled and muttered something I couldn't understand as I am as unskilled in his native language as he was in the language of the country he chose to live in.
Realising there would be language barriers to any further communication, I gave him a look that he apparently had no trouble understanding as he jogged off giving every impression that he strongly felt that I was the one being inconsiderate.
Then I walked home - along a public footpath. It was then I encountered the class of people who are without doubt, the rudest, most selfish bunch of inconsiderate bastards in Sydney - cyclists.
They seem to think they have a God-Given right to use footpaths and roads any way they want and everyone else has to accommodate them. It is quite common for these living afterbirths to block the Harbour Bridge during Friday night peak-hour, staging some protest. They ride around my area in packs - two or three abreast not even attempting to move for the traffic queuing up behind them.
Sure enough, as I walked home, heading towards me on the footpath and travelling at full speed, was one of these little wannabees dressed in all the correct multi-coloured lycra gear and space-age helmet. I stopped dead, making it clear I was not going to move out of the way. He came skidding to a halt and angrily asked, "Why didn't you move out of the way." I told him that as he was obviously middle-management, I would explain it to him slowly and simply.
"Me using public footpath as me supposed to. You using footpath illegally. Me stay where I am - you piss off? Understand?" He called me something that sounded like "trucker" and off he went to harass some other poor bastard doing the right thing.
Wherever you may be - be safe