Saturday, January 06, 2007

Goodnight from Sydney

Tonight's photo: I came across this little fellow along with his proud mum, on the foreshore of Burns Bay.

Unlike Steve Irwin, whose carefully scripted, beautifully directed and stage managed, "oh-aint she-cute" daughter Bindi, is set to irritate the crap out of the world with well-managed-on-cue sweetness, I don't believe in tormenting or taunting wildlife.

This photo was taken with a 12x optical zoom, and the wildlife and animals in the reserve are quite happy to share their habitat with humans. Balconies and gardens of apartment blocks are actually in the reserve - a hop-skip-and jump away from the water.

They are used to humans and are not scared by their presence - especially those who treat them with the respect the tacky, reckless buffoon Irwin denied what he regarded as stage props.

Heartless of me to say? Nope. Just saying out loud what many Australians are thinking or saying quietly, because to actually say what they think about the Dead Irwin Bandwagon, would be considered Un-Australian. A phrase so often used to describe anyone who speaks out against profitable, media created "Aussie Icons".

Wherever you may be - be safe!