Sunday, January 07, 2007

Oh what the heck!

Photo: My favourite bird - the friendly and playful lorikeet. Taken this afternoon in a street named Tambourine Bay Road. The bush is on the side of the footpath.

I shouldn't really post this photo is it upsets the theme of the blog a little - but hey, if you own something then you can do what you jolly well like with it!

Incidentally, Tambourine Bay is named after a notorious Sydney female named Tambourine Sal (also known as "Nell") who set up camp there to avoid the police. After a long search they found her and took her into custody.

She was well known in the early days of the colony and would sing while accompanying herself on a tambourine.

I am not sure what the police charged her with, but she charged then half a crown and a nip of rum.

Back to normal tomorrow and the remainder of the week.