Friday, February 23, 2007

Goodnight from Sydney

Tonight's photo: A Sydney ferry taking a sticky-beak at the Queen Mary 2. The building you can see is a luxury apartment complex. It's where Russel Crowe lives. Average price is around $14-15 million. As for privacy - forget it. All day and most of the evening, tourist and dinner cruise boats sail right up to the windows so passengers can take a look. When Mel was here, we did a dinner cruise and like many here, she was underwhelmed by it all.

Last night I mentioned that Cheney is infesting this city with his unwanted presence. But I realised today something that had never occurred to me previously.

He may arguably be the world's second most powerful man - but I have more power in this city than he does.

I can go to the same restaurants as he does. I can stay at the same hotel - even in the same suites if the mood took me. I can have the best seats at concerts, ballet or the opera.

But I can do more.

I can wait until my clients are asleep, toddle along a bush-track to a beautiful bay and sit on my own watching "life on the bay". I can feed the ducks if I wish, or I can sit and listen to - silence.

I can take another bush-track and sit on a rock jutting out into a river that gives every impression of being a long, wide piece of shimmering glass. I can let the wind blow through me, turn my head and see a city where few if any, hold any ill will towards me, stretched out before my eyes.

He can't do that.

But I can:)

Wherever you may be - be safe!