Monday, February 12, 2007

International Development: Praise for Ho Chi Minh

I realise this sounds like a transcript from a comedy show parodying old style communists,. but its a wet and cold Monday morning here, so time for a laugh comrades.

The Organisation of Solidarity of the People of Asia, Africa and Latin America, (I love the name - bet they spend a fortune on berets), have lavished praise upon the "brave example of the Vietnamese people, especially its great leader, the late President Ho Chi Minh", in a message of greetings to the Communist Party of Viet Nam on its 77th founding anniversary.

Signed by OSPAAAL General Secretary Alfonso Fraga, the message says "We highly admire and respect the time-tested braveness shown by the CPV in the struggles against French colonialists and US imperialists for national liberation." It went on to say Vietnam's example has been very encouraging to people from the Third World in their struggle for national independence and the right to self-determination.

"President Ho Chi Minh's political talents, self-scarification and heroism are the valuable heritage of not only the Vietnamese people but also of all anti-imperialist soldiers and those who are struggling for social justice the world over".

Post: 1/10