Wednesday, February 21, 2007

International Relations: San Marino's Captains Regent, to visit Council of Europe

Antonio Carattoni and Roberto Giorgetti, Captains Regent of the Republic of San Marino, will pay an official visit to the Council of Europe on Wednesday 21 February.

At 11am, they will attend a solemn meeting of the Ministers' Deputies, in the presence of Fiorenzo Stolfi, Foreign Minister for Foreign Affairs of San Marino and President in office of the Committee of Ministers,.

They will meet the President of the European Court of Human Rights, Jean-Paul Costa, the judge elected in respect of San Marino, Antonella Mularoni, as well as the Secretary General Terry Davis.

All the Permanent Representatives of the member States and of the Permanent Observers will be introduced to the Captains Regent, as well as all the judges to the European Court of Human Rights.

* Every 6 months, the Great and General Council of San Marino elects two Captains Regent (Capitani Reggenti) to be the heads of state. Normally the Regents are chosen from opposing parties. They serve a 6-month term. The investiture of the Captains Regent takes place on April 1 and October 1 in every year. The practice of dual heads of government is derived directly from the customs of the Roman Republic, equivalent to the consuls of ancient Rome.

Post: 6/10