Friday, February 16, 2007

Security: al-Qaeda releases video of attack on US base in Afghanistan

The SITE Institute (Search for International Terrorist Entities) reports that As-Sahab, al-Qaeda's multimedia production arm, has produced a twenty-four minute video that contains a documentary-style presentation an operation within its series, "Pyre for the Americans in the Land of Kharasan [Afghanistan]".

It was issued February 15, 2007, in two versions: one with an Arabic narrator, and other spoken in English with the voice of Azzam the American AKA Adam Gadahn. The video shows the capture of the American base in Arghandab, in Zabul Province, "dated in the current Islamic month."

The video details plans for attack, the confrontation, and the aftermath. "Following the operation, the camera pans the ruins of the base and shows the villagers, including children, throwing rocks at a destroyed enemy pick-up truck."

Post: 4/10