Friday, March 02, 2007

International Development: UN launches $215 million appeal to feed Zimbabwe's birthday boy's people

The United Nations has launched a US$215 million appeal for food aid for Zimbabwe, amid predictions that this season's grain yields will only represent half the nation's annual requirements.

Zimbabwe requires about 1.8 million tonnes of maize to meet its annual domestic consumption needs but world crop monitoring agency, the United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA) warned this week that the country will only realise 850 000 metric tonnes. This would leave a deficit, obliging Zimbabwe to import food, exerting further pressure on what is left of its depleted foreign currency reserves.

Out of the UN's total appeal, US$62 million will go towards food aid requirements. The agricultural sector appeal is US$53 million. The rest will be earmarked for health, education, economic recovery, water and sanitation, shelter and non-food items.

Hope you had a nice birthday party Mr Mugabe. Did you let your people eat cake?

Post: 2/10