Tuesday, March 20, 2007

It all began long, long ago

Every event, no matter how big or how small, has a beginning.

The beginning was not yesterday, last week or even last year - but way back at the beginning of time when God decided to create the Universe's first Theme Park, (which he originally intended to call 'Godland' until the branding guys brainstormed and came up with a blue-sky idea).

A few years ago I wrote a short story highlighting this fact. I know you are dying to read it but it is rather sophisticated, which is a yuppie way of saying it's as kinky as an old fashioned telephone cord and therefore perhaps better off in the forum in which it was first published.

The story was mostly set in the late 30s and 40s and looked at the lives of two lovers called Jack and Doris. Early in the piece I make the point that Jack should never have met Doris, in theory their paths should never have crossed. But a combination of circumstances - each one having their origins way back - threw them together.

Jack was a smoker, (the kinky sex bits are OK, but the smoking part may get the story censored). One day he toddled off to his local corner shop to buy a packet of Woodbines, only to find it closed. Had the shop owner heeded his wife's advice and not gone out in the rain, he wouldn't have caught a cold, be confined to bed and forced to close the shop for the day.

Jack had to use another shop - one he normally avoided. Behind the counter was a new girl, Doris - the girl he was destined to live with until his death in the late 1990s, (when he was poisoned by exhaust fumes from the car of an anti-smoking motorist).

So my point is, if the sick shopkeeper had not met his wife and opened a corner shop, Jack would never have met Doris, Of course, circumstances caused the shopkeeper to have been in the right place at the right time to meet his wife. You can go back even further if you want to!

The same applied to Doris. Circumstances that had their origins long ago, caused her to be in the right place at the right time to meet Jack.

If Hitler's mum had not met Hitler's dad, there would have been no Hitler - but somehow circumstances threw them together. A slight change of plan by someone possibly 50 or sixty years before, may have eventually caused Mr and Mrs Hitler to meet.

We all know what would have happened if Hitler hadn't been born - Hollywood would have had to find another war to rewrite so that Tom Hanks and John Wayne could win it single handed.

What happens today, tomorrow or next year - all began long, long ago.

A bit like this post!