Friday, March 30, 2007

Shall we dance?

On a personal level, it hasn't been a great week. In fact it has been the mother and father of rotten, stinking, lousy weeks. But life goes on and some times little things can help get you through. This is especially the case if you see things differently to other people.

Take boats for example.

Did you know they dance?

You are probably sitting there reading this and thinking, "I'm not surprised he had a bad week - he's a raving loony" but trust me - they dance.

I sit on a bench near the edge of a bay and watch as the wind slowly waltzes the boats this way and that. Slow, rhythmic movements often aided by the movement of the water.

Hang on a second - I like that line so I will say it again. "Slow, rhythmic movements". That feels better.

At times you can see three or four boats move in perfect harmony - all moving the same direction at the same speed.It may not be the most exciting spectator sport in the world, and I doubt any TV network would pay for broadcasting rights.

Maybe just as well - because when things look bleak and you can't even see the bloody tunnel let alone the light at the end of it - little things such as this are priceless.