Monday, May 21, 2007

Coming of age

I like my hair short - very short. However, contrary to popular belief, running my own business doesn't automatically mean I always have the time to fit it in - even though the hairdresser is two minutes walk away. On top of that, I dread going to any hairdresser as the routine is always the same. They ask me how I want it, I tell them, they shake their heads and give me their own suggestions. I stick to my guns, they persist, I tell them I always have it that way, they finally surrender.

This morning I had a little bit of free time and decided today was the day to say "let's do it". Sure enough, we went through the same routine before the young hairdresser started clipping and chatting away.

She asked if I lived nearby - I said I did. Then she asked if I was going shopping afterwards, I replied, "No, I am going back to work."

She gave an admiring smile and told this fifty-one year old -

"I think it's great that you still work".

Hairdressers never made remarks like that to me when I told them, "I want it like Rod Stewart"!