Thursday, May 03, 2007

First cats - now dogs

I don't normally do cat photos, doggy photos or photos of bratty looking kids with idiotic nicknames and jam stuck all over their mouths. However, the other day I did succumb and post a photo of a cat. Yes I know - I have sold my soul to populist blogging. But it was quite a cute cat - still is as far as I know, although I haven't seen it since I saw it outside a local restaurant.

So, in the inteterests of political correctness and so as not to cause offence or insult to dogs, their owners, or the 'Make Discrimination Against Dogs History' movement founded by an over-the-hill musician who has just made a come back CD, - I have decided to post the only doggy photo I have.

This was taken a few weeks ago at a place called Little Sirius Cove - one of Sydney Harbour's lesser known beaches and a popular spot for dog lovers. I am not sure why, but I have never liked it. It's one of those places where I feel uncomfortable but can not find any logical reason to explain why.

The guy in the photo had another two dogs out of picture.