Wednesday, July 25, 2007

About "Bad Day At The Oasis"

Many people are worried about my post, "Bad Day At The Oasis" and I have been touched by the emails and responses I have received.

Let me assure you, the problem has nothing to do with the McCann's - it is more my own fault. I have not been threatened with legal action by Team McCann nor have I received any requests to cease posting, withdraw any articles or retract any comments.

I have already decided that I am quite prepared for these issues to be addressed in a civil law suit, and believe I know someone who would act pro-bono, so such threats will not stop this blog.
I am not quite sure why I became so involved, but I have never believed anything to be this wrong in my life. My blog has covered many tragedies and human suffering over the years, yet I honestly do not know why this one has affected me so much.

The insults and threats are now largely non-existent, and after nine years online, I don't take any notice anyway. If I am not insulted, it means I am not doing my job properly. Insults are an excellent gauge of effectiveness in situations such as this.

Nor do I have any health problems or reoccurrence of past health problems!
Basically - what has happened can be pinned fairly and squarely on my shoulders!

I shouldn't have made the post I did, but when I returned home I felt so pissed off, I felt I had to say something. My apology for any worry it may have caused.

Back in 1991/92 I underwent chemotherapy. I was given a 25% chance of making five years. That barrier passed long ago. When I finished chemo, everything I did was called "Newperspectives" as in my email address. Basically it means that when things seem bad, I look at the problem from a new perspective - and I don't stay gloomy for too long.

Again, many thanks for your messages of support and concern, to say they are appreciated would be the greatest understatement since Noah said to his wife, "Looks like we're in for a spot of rain love"!