Monday, July 23, 2007

British Media - The Fifth Columnists

Yesterday's Sunday Express carried an article on Kate and Gerry McCann, written by alleged journalist Matt Blake. I use the word alleged as so far, based on standards adopted by media outside the UK, he has done nothing during his career to prove to me that he actually is a journalist in the true sense of the word.

His article referred to, "Sinister rumours on the Internet and malicious allegations in the Portuguese press." I am glad he is concerned about such online issues.

In fact, I think he should take his concerns to the next logical level.

Matt, you could start by visiting online forums where Pro McCann supporters have threatened and bullied those who share the view that parents are responsible for the welfare of their children. Not only have the posters themselves been threatened, threats have been made against their children. Quite ironic when you think that children are being used as a tool by Pro-McCann activists. Just goes to show how much value they place on children doesn't it.

I would be quite happy to send you easily traceable emails that I have received threatening my own children - even though I do not have any.

There have also been concerns over censorship of online forums. Posts have mysteriously disappeared - invariably the posts of responsible, thinking parents. It seems rather strange to me that eloquent, well written posts disappeared, while the threats, defamation and insults made by McCann supporters are left untouched.

Maybe that's not enough for you to get your teeth in to Matt. No worries mate - I have some more for you. The mysterious appearance of pornographic images on the Mirror forum, just as your story on the McCanns broke.

Such an act put all users at risk - even at risk of criminal charges by inadvertently having such material on their computers. There is also the question of the possible illegality of distributing such images.

Many of my readers also use other such forums. Many have never used a computer to search for news before or contributed to online boards. A significant number are from a generation whose families knew what it was like to fight on the battlefields of Europe for freedom and democracy. Do you put higher priority on the welfare of two selfish parents who have continuously lied their way throughout this issue, over those who helped gain many of the freedoms and rights you and your colleagues have now sold down the Swanee river?

Maybe the porn was just coincidence - maybe all the disappearing posts are coincidences too. However, as a journalist who is obviously concerned about online harassment - at least if your one-sided article is anything to go by - you may wish to look in to such matters.

Of course, I do not exercise as much control over your integrity as others appear to, but it is not compulsory for you to be a mouthpiece for those desperately trying to defend the indefensible.