Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Goodnight from Sydney

My apology for not responding to as many comments as I would have liked today, but I have been torn between a number of issues.

Also, if truth be told, I suffered a slight case of burn-out! I have been reading all the beautiful responses and emails, (many more than once) and just felt overwhelmed - my mind then went blank!

I would like to thank all those who are new to the blog, you are most welcome. I think you will find the atmosphere here quite different to other forums. I do step in now and then, but there is rarely any need to do so.

It's not far off 1am, and I have to be up at six am for a series of meetings, but a few random thoughts before I go.

The Scotsman, carries the headline, "Madeleine's dad on fact-finding mission to US".

I have to ask myself, why on earth does he want go on a fact-finding mission, when he consistently refuses to face them when they are handed to him on a plate!

I can not get this link to work for me, but if it is the same as the ad shown on TV, you may find it quite amusing. It's an advert for a Sydney radio station, and may remind you of two people:)

Then look for "No Way, Go on."

Do you like foreign language movies? I watched a poignant and powerful movie tonight on SBS Television. Khakestar-o-khak (Earth and Ashes) from Afghanistan. From IMDB -

"Set against the sandy dunes of nowhere in Afghanistan, this film tells the tale of an old man bringing his deaf grandson to seek his son and tell him the news that his village has been burned down, and most of his family is dead. The simple and direct premise gives a sense of immediacy to the film, leaving much of it as the physical journey of an old man looking for hope in a desolate world, and at the same time, coming to terms with his loss. For his loss is even more than personal; his loss is a loss of his homeland, where everything he once knew is ravaged and sacrilege by powers not of any control of his."

The photography is breathtaking and so is the direction.

Tonight I used a title I used every night for well over a year, so I will finish with the same farewell too.

Till tomorrow...

Wherever you may be - be safe