Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Grubs: How to cooperate with the media by getting up their noses

Gerry - it's me again.

Shortly after you told a Sol journalist, "What do you think you are doing? Do you think you’re better than the Portuguese police? I’m going to forward your contact to PJ and you will have to explain yourselves," you proudly announced your intention to work closely with the Portuguese media - a move you hoped would enhance the chances of finding Madeleine.

Since your announcement the British press have blamed the Portuguese media for an alleged slur campaign, and Justine McGuiness makes disparaging remarks about the Portuguese press in responses to emails.

If this is your way of making friends and influencing people? No wonder you have to call in favours.

Don't you perhaps think such hostility towards a media you hoped to cooperate with in order to improve the chances of finding your daughter, would have a somewhat negative effect on such cooperation? In plain language - wouldn't it tend to piss them off?

Are you sacrificing Madeleine's welfare in order to take the heat of you and save your hide?