Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Grubs: I knew there was something else I wanted to ask!

Justine. One of the objects of the infamous fund is, "To provide support, including financial assistance, to Madeleine’s family."

Why do the family need support and potential financial assistance? What is the definition of "family" in this instance?

The family are NOT searching for Madeleine, they are acting as spokespersons and campaign organisers. Uncle Brian has told sky news the fund is needed to bankroll travel and accommodation. Why is there a need for travel and accommodation?

I will tell you - to organise the campaign to raise more funds to "Carry on Campaigning". I know that sentence doesn't quite make sense - nothing in this obscene public fiasco and gross act of betrayal does.

The only parties actively searching for the child your clients went out of their way to lose are the Portuguese and British police - and even that is debatable considering the vomit inducing show of support the PC Plods showed McCann recently.

Not one single member of the family have got off their butts and actively searched for Maddie. Not one.

Do you honestly think putting up posters all around Europe is going to raise awareness? To be blunt, people are sick to death of the posters. In simple terms, over-exposure is having a negative effect on the core issue - finding Maddie.

In an article in The Guardian dated Jan 11, 2006 you made this observation about candidates involved in the leadership campaign for your party. "Of course it's early days yet, but some of the boys involved with the leadership campaigns - many of whom I know and like - seem to a little too desperate that their mums get to see them on TV. Come on guys, surely it is about more than that!"

You said it Justine.

Isn't it time you took your own advise and kept those two Icons of Hypocrisy out of the public eye? To use the words of Suzie Quatro - it's time to "Can the McCanns"

People do not like them. They are despised and mistrusted. They are walking PR disasters and their Rent-A-Mouth family are just as bad. It does not take this blog to destroy their credibility - they do a far better job of it themselves.

By the way Justine, this is not a personal attack on you - I actually like many of the things you have done in the past. But let's face it, this is a PR cock up of titanic proportions and the buck has to stop somewhere.

Actually, there are a lot of places where the buck should stop - but for some reason, someone somewhere, has built a by-pass around those involved.


One last thing - for God's sake drop Cuddle Cat it's as see through as a new brides nightie. We want to see Kate holding Madeleine - and if she had done that on the night of May 03, none of us would be here.

Lest we forget.