Monday, July 23, 2007

The Grubs: Thank you for enhancing my credibility

Well, well, well, It seems my articles have inspired the McCann's keyboard monkeys to even greater heights of self-righteous outrage.

Let me see now, one poster has suggested this forum is frequented by paedophiles and men posting as women and suggested the police should investigate this site for incitement and defamation. Of course they fail to see that by making defamatory statements themselves, they are also leaving themselves open to investigation, which just goes to show how effective their brain cells are in doing the job they were designed to do.

The police are no doubt well aware of my blog as I am registered with the NSW Police Media Unit, enabling me to post all their press releases in full.

I like insults. I would be worried if I was not the subject of abuse or threats - it would mean I am not doing my job properly. In fact I am rather flattered that "they" have built up my reputation by bestowing upon me titles such as "King Mike" thereby giving me more credibility than perhaps I deserve. Gawd love us, will these people ever learn to think things through?

Just one thing they should remember, after nine years of moderating volatile newsgroups I know how to get results legally, ethically and effectively. And I look after my people better than the McCanns look after their children.

And if the McCanns had looked after their children in the same way as the overwhelming majority of parents, there would be no need for their supporters to resort to the tactics of two-bob pub thugs.

So please keep on insulting me - it's a very effective gauge of the damage I am doing to the McCanns credibility.