Monday, July 23, 2007

Lesson in a park

This morning on my way home from the shops, I decided to sit in a little park just off from the main shopping plaza. It's a pleasant spot and ideal for a little "me" time.

My peace however was disturbed - but in a nice way. Teachers from the local kindergarten were leading their charges through the park. The kindy has a strict rule - all children must walk hand-in-hand. It doesn't matter if it's boy-girl, boy-boy, or girl-girl, as long as they hold another child's hand.

But you know what it's like - there are always those who just have to be different! One little girl was walking on her own - and fell over. A teacher picked her up and gently told her, "That's why we want you to hold hands".

Can you see where I am going with this?

These little mites must have been close to Madeleines age. The McCanns left their children unattended night after night. No caring adult near by to pick up a fallen child or dry her tears. Not one. Not even close.

Children do wake up - they do explore - and they can have accidents. Unless of course they are zonked out of their minds, and during my time in the UK travel industry, I had enough parents boast to me about the old whisky in the milk trick as well as other methods.

Yet we are the ones labelled, "weirdos" and "uncaring".

I do care. But it will be a cold day in hell when I care about Gerry or Kate. I will leave that to the Sweet Painted ladies of the British media.

On a lighter note, the march of the anklebiters, did give me the opportunity to see "girl-power" in action - even at that tender age. One little boy was holding a little girl's hand. He must have seen the word, "Commitment" flash in front of his eyes and tried to break free. She however was made of sterner stuff and held her grip.

He tried a little harder - but this time she wasn't standing any nonsense and almost ripped his arm off as she yanked him towards her. She then dragged him behind like a hunter with her prey.

But at least if either of them had fallen - there was someone around to pick them up and offer words of comfort- instead of a Bryan Adams song when the damage has laready been done.